Peer Tutoring Program

The Tomnitz Family Learning Opportunities Center's Professional Academic Staff coordinates Westminster College's Peer Tutoring Program (PTP), which offers academic support and mentoring to students enrolled in a variety of courses.

Two popular areas of support are math and writing, and to support this demand Westminster College has a Math and Writing Lab. These labs, located on the lower level of Reeves Library, are open Sunday through Thursday from 6 to 10 pm, and offer support on a walk in basis. In addition to these two labs, tutors/mentors are available for a variety of the courses offered in the general education curriculum.
Tutors for these courses are recommended by the professors, and attend tutoring classes/training designed to provide them with a sound framework for fostering independent learning and understanding the learning process. The tutors also attend the classes for which they are tutoring at least once a week.
Westminster College's Peer Tutoring Program is certified by the College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA) and embraces the International Tutor Program certification requirements.
The schedule for tutors can be found on Canvas within MyWC. To join this group, students will need to visit MyWC, and then opt to join the group called Academic Resource Center.

The Math Lab: The Math Lab offers tutoring in all math courses from MAT 090 (Intermediate Algebra) to MAT 124 (Calculus I).

The Writing Lab: The Writing Lab offers individual assistance with papers or writing projects from any course.

The Accounting Lab: Located in HAZ 311, this lab provides assistance to accounting students from 8-10 pm, M,W, & Th.

Specific Course Tutoring: The ARC can provide referral to student tutors for specific courses. Tutors are available for most Tier I & II courses and meet with students in the ARC, according to the schedule published each semester.