Faculty Tips

Hold students to the same standards for conduct and performance as regularly admitted students. A physical impairment and/or learning disability is never an acceptable excuse for missing class, preparing for class, failing to turn in assignments, or otherwise failing to participate in class. If a student's impairment or disability interferes with his or her ability to learn and read, write, use, or talk about concepts in any particular discipline, the student is responsible for working with academic professional staff in the Learning Opportunities Center to pursue a compensatory strategy or alternative.

If students do not immediately respond to questions posed in class, tell them you will come back to them, and then do come back to them.

Communicate with professional academic staff in the Learning Opportunities Center about the specific needs and concerns of students enrolled in the Learning Differences Program.

Help academic professional staff in the Learning Opportunities Center monitor student progress by regularly sharing information about student attendance and performance.

Share your concerns about academic and personal honesty with professional academic staff in the Learning Opportunities Center and with the Dean of Student Life.

Provide students with explicit social cues and expectations. Students enrolled in the Learning Differences Program often experience developmental delays and miss significant social cues more easily negotiated by others. If a student is inappropriate in the classroom or in one-on-one interactions, identify the social cue he or she is missing and describe the expected behavior. Expected behaviors are identified under Student Responsibilities.

Keep, share, and discuss excellent examples of student writing in your discipline. Demonstrate student excellence in responding to essay questions posed on old examinations, in discussing key concepts explored by the discipline, in arguing different perspectives about issues addressed by the discipline, and in summarizing, analyzing, and synthesizing disciplinary themes.

Keep, share, and discuss the criteria you use to assess student learning.

Keep, share, and discuss old examinations.

Post and update assignments and due dates on Angel so students can always access the information they need to prepare for class.

Provide as many opportunities for hands-on, active learning as possible.

Pair meaningful visual cues (e.g., advance organizers, illustrations, charts, Power Point bullets, and maps) with oral lectures.